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Take a Break on Me

A gift from me to you.


Find somewhere comfortable to enjoy a half hour of relaxation or play it at night when you're going to sleep.


I will guide you through an imagination that will help your mind shrug off anxieties & stress, improve your sleep, deal with your day in the way that you would like to and find the level of control that you wish for.


Please be aware that deep relaxation does not mix well with driving, operating machinery or other similar tasks.  It does work fantastically with herding cats, getting ducks into line and taming the monkey mind. So listen to this at a time and place where you do not need to focus on anything but yourself.


You will experience the best results by listening to it every night over a period of time, try it for a week and see what the difference feels like.


 Contact me for ways to increase the benefits of this track and to get a download link.





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